Republican News ยท Thursday 12 June 2003

[An Phoblacht]

Waterford Port Authority hell-bent on environmental catastrophe

Speaking at a public information meeting in the Rhue Glenn, Slieve Rue, on Thursday evening last, New Ross Councillor John Dwyer accused Waterford Port Authority of being 'hell-bent' on creating an environmental catastrophe with their plans to allow the Herhof company to site an incinerator at Bellview, South Kilkenny.

"Despite extensive local opposition, due to very real health concerns, it has become clear that these plans are at an advanced stage," said Dwyer.

"Waterford Port Authority are an unelected body and so have little fear of a public backlash to their plans. Neither do they have any respect for the widespread public opposition to incineration as a waste management option.

"Aside from lethal dioxin emissions that will have no respect for county boundaries, of further great concern is the fact that the Port Authority seem to be intent on destroying the waters off Hook Head by their proposal to dump dredging spoils from the Bellview incinerator development.

"Waterford county councillors, along with their counterparts on Wexford county council, voted against incineration as a waste management option, only for both bodies to be over-ruled by their respective, unelected county managers. We are now very clearly seeing the end result of the erosion of local democracy.

"I would call on all concerned groups and individuals to step up their opposition to this development now as a matter of great urgency."

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