Republican News ยท Thursday 12 June 2003

[An Phoblacht]

Cork pays tribute to Ahern and Crowley

On Sunday 1 June, the Charlie Hurley Cumann, Bandon, County Cork, were hosts to a group from the Six Counties who travelled to Cork for the 30th anniversary commemoration for Volunteers Tony Ahern and Dermot Crowley.

The families of the two Volunteers were in attendance, as was Councillor Anne O'Leary from Bantry. A Mass was followed by a visit to the famous West Cork Monuments - the Maid of Erin in Bandon, Kilmichael, Upton and Crossbarry.

At Kilmichael, former POW Arnie O'Connell gave a stirring address to a large crowd. A function was held at The Viaduct Inn, Cork City, to bring to a close a most enjoyable day.

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