Republican News ยท Thursday 17 July 2003

[An Phoblacht]

Kieran Doherty commemoration weekend

It's time once again for the annual Kieran Doherty commemoration weekend. The celebrations, in memory of H-Block martyr Kieran Doherty, are set to begin in Ballyconnell, Co Cavan, at the start of August, with all the proceeds going to the Footsteps Down's Syndrome Ireland Charity.

Events for the whole family are on offer over the weekend, including a bicycle race, guest lectures, a fun day, sporting events, discos, fly fishing, and parades.

Things get under way on Friday 1 August, with cyclists from all over Ireland participating in a huge bicycle race. The festivities will culminate in a Memorial Mass and parade on Sunday.

Organisers invite everyone to show their support for a great cause by coming by and enjoying themselves. All are welcome.


Friday 1 August 1

7pm Bicycle race

9pm Lecture in Ballyconnell Community Centre. Guest speakers Ginty Lennon/Pauline Tully McCauley (followed by entertainment in local pub)

Saturday 2 August

2pm Fun day in the football field - Bring the kids! Sean Mallon Memorial Cup - under 16s/senior. Kids races - all age groups. Novelty races, barbecue, fun fair, face painting. Events to be followed by kids disco in the community centre

All-day fly fishing competition ongoing at Holy Lake throughout the day, followed by entertainment (and doubtful fishing tales) in another local pub afterwards.

Sunday 3 August

11am Kieran Doherty Memorial Mass

2.30pm Main Parade. Assemble Rakeelan. Guest speaker Francie Molloy

6pm Function in Dicey's Fiddle

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