Republican News · Thursday 31 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

SF councillors call for end to FF/Labour abuse of Mayoral role

Dublin Sinn Féin councillors on Monday night voted for Independent Cllr. Vincent Jackson to take on the role of new Mayor for Dublin. The councillors opposed the election of Fianna Fáil's Royston Brady, guaranteed because of a pact with Labour to share the top job.

Cllr Christy Burke, Sinn FËin group leader in City Hall, said that the system was a complete joke and that until legislation was introduced to have a directly elected Mayor for Dublin, the role would only ever be symbolic.

He said: "The local government reform legislation recently introduced should have included a clause for a directly elected Mayor, but it was pulled at the last minute because it did not suit Fianna Fáil. The current system is an insult to the people of Dublin and a complete joke.

"The outgoing Mayor, Dermot Lacey (Labour), and the incoming, Royston Brady (Fianna Fáil) have both had the cheek to call for direct elections, but neither have seem concerned enough to turn down the position given to them without being earned.

"Until Dublin has direct elections, the role of Mayor is never going to be anything more than symbolic. We are also calling for Labour and Fianna Fáil to get their priorities right and stop abusing their position of power."

Meenan elected in Dundalk

At the Annual General Meeting of Dundalk Town Council on 25 June, Sinn Féin Councillor Kevin Meenan was elected to the vice-chair.

Kevin said he was delighted to be elected. "I am pleased for the people who elected me councillor and I will represent them and all the people of Dundalk to the best of my ability," he promised.

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