Republican News ยท Thursday 31 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Robert Emmet Bicentenary - La Fete de la Bastille

The Robert Emmet Association has announced that Bastille Day will be celebrated in Dublin for the first time since 1803 as part of the Emmet Bicentenary celebrations. Details were outlined by the Lord Mayor of Dublin and the French Ambassador, Mr Gabriel de Bellescize, at the Mansion House on Tuesday 8 July.

Events include:

French Food Market at Smithfield from Thursday 10 - Sunday 13 July

National Pikepersons Parade Sunday 13 July from Smithfield through the city centre to St Catherine's church, followed by an Ecumenical Service at St Patrick's Cathedral.

The Bastille Day Committee was instigated by the Robert Emmet Association in October 2002.

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