Republican News ยท Thursday 30 January 2003

[An Phoblacht]

Wexford Colombia Three vigil

A candlelight vigil in support of the Bring Them Home Campaign to release the three Irishmen known as the Colombia Three, will be held in Ferns, County Wexford, on Wednesday 5 February at 8.30pm.

After being suspended in disarray in December over missing witnesses, the trial of the three Irishmen resumes in Bogota on February 5th.

However, in another bizarre twist, the Colombian witness protection programme has now insisted that they cannot afford to pay the fare to Bogota of one of the missing witnesses.

Christine McCauley, sister of Martin McCauley, will attend the vigil in Ferns.

Speaking in advance, Councillor John Dwyer said: "It is patently clear that this trial degenerated into a shambolic farce at the first time of asking, and that these men have no case to answer.

"This case has been politicised all over the world, and has been used in an attempt to wreck the peace process in Ireland and Colombia. This is totally unacceptable. Under the glare of the international media, the Colombian authorities have clearly demonstrated that they have no case and no evidence.

"We are calling on the Irish government to use all its international influence and to act now to secure the immediate release of these three Irishmen. The government must demonstrate that it is willing and able to protect Irish citizens held captive in a foreign country."

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