Republican News ยท Thursday 16 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Memorial plaque unveiled to dead postman

Hundreds of people attended a memorial mass at St Mary's Star of the Sea chapel on Sunday 12 January to mark the first anniversary of the sectarian killing of postal worker Daniel McColgan.

Later on Sunday a large crowd gathered outside the McColgan home along with Daniel's parents Marie and Samuel and his partner Lyndsey Milliken, where a memorial plaque was unveiled in Daniel's memory.

Among those who were present at the unveiling were the parents of Gavin Brett and Gerard Lawlor, both of whom were also shot dead by UDA death squads in the Glengormley area in the last two years.

McColgan was targeted by a UDA gang as he drove to work in the early hours of Saturday morning 12 January 2002, as he arrived for work in Rathcoole postal sorting office.

Speaking at Sunday's unveiling ceremony, Glengormley priest Fr Dan Whyte said: "We will be hoping and praying that justice will prevail. Where justice is delivered people can cope better; when justice is not achieved people hurt more."

The marble plaque was unveiled by two lifelong friends of Daniel, Hugh McAteer and James Hinton.

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