The Story of the Drumboe Martyrs
This year marked the 80th anniversary of the end of the Irish Civil war, a sad and tragic chapter in our country's history. One of the tragic stories of that era occurred in a woodland called Drumboe on the outskirts of Stranorlar in Co. Dongal. It was at this spot that four young republican soldiers were brought to be executed by soldiers of the Free State Army on 14 March 1923.
The 80th anniversary of their deaths was held on 14 March this year and as part of the 80th anniversary celebration, the Tirconail Commemoration Committee published a revised edition of The Story of the Drumboe Martyrs.
The book tells the story of the four young men's early lives and their stance against British oppression and then against the partition of Ireland. Charlie Daly, Sean Larkin, Tim O'Sullivan and Dan Enright were young men when they took up the fight for Irish freedom. They were all still in their early twenties when they gave their lives for that same belief and in resistance to partition.
The book also contains copies of the original letters written by the men in their last days and hours while in their cell at Drumboe Castle in 1923. Other articles and information are contained within the book of that turbulent chapter in our country's history.
The book can be purchased at Sinn Féin bookshops. It is also available from The Tirconail Commemoration Committee, 3 Ashbrook, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal for §10.00 (Inclusive of P&P).