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McBrides may take case to EuropeThe family of Peter McBride, a north Belfast father of two shot dead by British soldiers in 1992, may take the British government to the European Court of Human Rights over the British Ministry of Defence's decision not to discharge the two Scots Guards convicted of the murder. moreUnionists under pressureDavid Trimble is likely to face another leadership challenge next month, according to media reports.West Belfast man shot deadFather of five Danny McGurk was gunned down by hooded gunmen at his Ross Road home in the lower Falls at around 11am on Sunday 17 August.Briege Meehan speaks about her experience as the only Sinn Féin representative to sit on the Protestant dominated Newtownabbey Borough Council.Maginness slept through negotiations Sinn Fein North Belfast Representative Cathy Staunton has accused Alban Maginness of "either sleeping through the negotiations or not being part of the SDLP negotiating team".Bill of Rights submissions welcomed Bairbre de Brún has welcomed the fact that the public has positively responded to the need to engage with the Bill of Rights.Alex Maskey visits Ballybay hunger strike exhibitionBirch Court in Ballybay played host to a major exhibition on the theme of the 1981 Long Kesh hunger strike on Saturday 9 August.Confidence or trust?SInn Fein chairman MITCHEL McLAUGHLIN writes on the current state of the peace process.Fighting for Equality or drowning in bureaucracy?UNA GILLESPIE of the West Belfast Economic Forum examines existing and continuing issues of discrimination and broad responses to it.Taxing the weatherThe changing weather that results from global warming doesn't just mean sunshine, writes JOANNE CORCORAN.Sinn Féin TD welcomes inquiry into consultants' suspension Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has welcomed a proposed inquiry into the suspension of two consultants at Cavan General Hospital.15th Desmond Greaves Summer School This weekend, the 15th Desmond Greaves Summer School will be held in Dublin.Let's stop labelling ourselves drunken PaddiesPAUL O'CONNOR writes on Michael McDowell's new Intoxicating Liquor Act.IBEC's silence on executive wage increases deafeningA new report shows that the wages of Irish executives will rise 5.8% in 2003, the second fastest in Europe.Monaghan and neighbouring counties opppose IncineratorPeople in the border counties are currently involved in a widespread community campaign against plans to locate an incinerator in their area.Kinsealy should be public amenity Sinn Féin Councillor Larry O'Toole has called on Fingal County Council not to rezone the Abbeville Estate for housing.Rent supplement spending shows need for social housingPortlaoise councillor Brian Stanley says figures he has received for the cost of the rent supplement scheme indicate the government is involved in crisis management.Please Charlie don't come backThree reports in the last week show that not only is the economy clearly in recession but that things could get worse.Sean Russell honouredelfast republican Brian Keenan gave the main oration at the commemoration of Sean Russell in Fairview Park last Saturday, 17 August.Sinn Féin TD welcomes inquiry into consultants' suspensionSinn Féin TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has welcomed a proposed inquiry into the suspension of two consultants at Cavan General Hospital.Sinn Féin National Draw 2003The Sinn Féin National Finance Committee has launched this year's National Draw and total prizes are worth more than €29,000.
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