Republican News ยท Thursday 7 August 2003

[An Phoblacht]

Appointment of Daphne Trimble criticised

The West Belfast Economic Forum has criticised the appointment of Daphne Trimble, the wife of former first minister and Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble, as one of nine new Equality Commissioners by NIO minister Paul Murphy.

University of Ulster academics Eileen Evason and Derick Wilson are also among those appointed. Anne O'Reilly from Help the Aged replaces Bronagh Hinds as deputy chief commissioner.

Speaking to An Phoblacht, Una Gillespie of the Forum said the appointment of Daphne Trimble by the NIO undermines the independence and credibility of the commission.

"This appointment is indicative of the British bowing to Ulster Unionist pressure and will further undermine the institutions established under the Good Friday Agreement," she said. "Nationalists can no longer have any faith in the Equality Commission as a champion for religious and political beliefs in the Six Counties."

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