PD jobs for the boys
The echoes of the Progressive Democrats annual conference
have barely subsided and already there a clear difference between
what the PDs say and what they actually do.
In particular, take Mary Harney's populist claims that they
would end the "rip off culture" and "open up whole new areas of
the Irish economy to the forces of competition".
This week, we found that the PD competition policy does not
apply to EU jobs, when former party leader and founder Des
O'Malley was appointed to a full-time job as board member of the
EU Bank of Reconstruction and Development.
The job commands a ¤116,000 annual salary and was given to
O'Malley without any public tender or competition. The former
minister also gets a ministerial pension over ¤35,500.
One wonders will he still collect this and his Dáil
pension while getting paid in his new job or does this not count
as part of Harney's "rip off culture"?