Republican News ยท Thursday 10 April 2003

[An Phoblacht]


27 April "Centuries of Struggle"

Due to the great success of last year's event, the Roslea Martyrs' Tour has been made an annual event.

In the Roslea area, a number of republicans killed during the different campaigns over the years. From three United Irishmen hanged in Enniskillen in 1797 to the SAS murder of Seamus McElwaine in 1986, the area is steeped in republican history. The tour covers the key local events of the struggle and in doing so brings us to where we are today, as republicans still pushing towards our objectives. The tour has an excellent educational content and young republicans should make a special effort to attend.

The tour begins at 2.30pm at Roslea Chapel and willl be followed at 6pm by a lecture from senior republican titled "The present struggle." The day finishes with a three-mile walk and commemoration at Corragunt Bridge.

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