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UUP brings process to brink
The British government must stop pandering to Unionist
rejectionism and work towards minimising damage to the Good
Friday Agreement, the Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams told a Belfast
conference on Tuesday.
We have a date for Nice II, 19 October. But we still don't have
any debate on the substance of the treaty, writes ROBBIE MacGABHANN.
GENERAL SIR FRANK KITSON spent over four hours before the
Bloody Sunday inquiry on Tuesday, on the first day of the
hearings in London.
St Matthew's Catholic church in the Short Strand area of East
Belfast came under sustained paint bomb attack from loyalists on
Sunday 22 September.
McCreevy must go
Charlie McCreevy's claims on economic
policies were exposed as lies and deception when an embarassing confidential
memo from McCreevy was leaked.
Government officials acted unlawfully when they failed to
prosecute an Orange Order lodge for erecting an arch
without proper consent in Glengormley.
Relatives for Justice has hit
out at Lisburn Council which has been accused of "a
shameless bias against the victims of state violence".
Loyalists staged an illegal Orange march in the early hours
of Saturday 21 September, on the Blacks Road in West Belfast.
RUC/PSNI member Paul Thompson, accused of assaulting Councillor
Martin Meehan, had his charge dismissed in court.
Bríd Rogers announced last week that she will not
stand in next year's Assembly elections, citing family reasons
for her decision.
Hundreds of people from the Turf Lodge area of West Belfast
turned out in support of the pressure group Families Bereaved
Through Car Crime.
Bill McCormack is a forgery denialist and his book is just
another attempt to discredit one of the most creditable figures
in republican history, writes JACK MOYLETT.
SILVIO CERULLI reports from a besieged Ramallah on
the latest crisis in Palestine's West Bank.
Events in South America are bringing a new dynamic to
left-wing politics worldwide, argues DOMHNALL Ó
Sinn Féin spokesperson on education, Seán Crowe TD
has criticised what he termed the "shambolic mishandling" of this
year's grant application process by the Department of Education.
'Dublin 2002-2012 - A City of Possibilities' is the strategy
document that will guide the city's development for the next ten
Members of Ógra Shinn Féin in South Monaghan
last Saturday collected over 1,000 signatures calling for action to reduce Car Insurance.
The developers have moved in with diggers at the old artisan
cottages, Milbank, in Lucan.
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Blair rolls over

Nice Treaty Referendum II

Soft Drinks can be hard on Human Rights

Cén Dochar

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