Republican News ยท Thursday 25 September 2002

[An Phoblacht]

dersonstown says no to death drivers

Hundreds of people attended a rally against death drivers held in the Andersonstown area of West Belfast last Thursday, 12 September.

The rally, the latest in a series organised by the campaign group Families Bereaved through Car Crime, marched from the shops on the Shaw's Road to the car park at the Busy Bee, where spokesperson Geordie Murtagh addressed the crowd. His 21-year-old nephew, Kieran Conlon, became the latest person to be killed by death drivers in Belfast when he was mowed down on the Stewartstown Road in May of this year.

Murtagh thanked the crowd and called on them to continue supporting the rallies against death drivers that are being organised every week in a different area of Belfast.

After the rally, members of the Hanna family walked the short distance from the Busy Bee to the spot on the Andersonstown Road where Patrick Hanna was run over and killed by death drivers in 1999.

Amid emotional scenes, Peggy Hanna and Patrick's young son Robert laid flowers near the spot where Patrick was killed.

The campaign group continues its series of rallies across Belfast in Turf Lodge on Thursday 19 September, assembling at Ardmonagh Gardens at 7pm.

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