Republican News · Thursday 12 September 2002

[An Phoblacht]

BRYSON, Volunteer James (died 22 September 1973); McCOMISKEY, Fian Joseph (died 20 September 1972); O'HAGAN, Sinn Féin member Bernard (died 16 September 1991); QUIGLEY, Volunteer Michael (died 17 September 1972). "We aimed at uniting all Irish men in a natural and national bond of cohesion based on mutual self-respect." - Roger Casement. Remembered with love and pride by their many friends and comrades in the Republican Movement.

ADAMS, Annie (10th Ann). In loving memory of my dear Granny, who died 4 September 1992. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her. Sadly missed and always remembered, for you were like a mother to me. Your loving grandson, Patrick M, Bridgeen, great grandchildren Padraic, Cliodhna. Xoxo.

MULVENNA, Patrick (29th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my dear father Volunteer Patrick Mulvenna killed in action 31 August 1973. No length of time can heal my grief, my love for you is far to deep. How can a broken family describe how they ache inside for the longing of a wonderful father absent from our side? No hellos were spoken, no time to say good-bye. You were gone before I met you and God only knows why. You only have one father, patient, kind and true. No other friend in the world could take your place. So forgive me Lord if you see me weep for the father I have lost and never could meet. Your Loving son Patrick, Bridgeen, grandson Padraic Pearse, granddaughter Cliodhna. Xoxo.

O'NEILL, Diarmuid (6th Ann). In memory of Diarmuid O'Neill, killed by Metropolitan police, London. Always remembered by his friends and comrades in the West London Republican Support Group.

PETTICREW, Anne Marie (29th Ann). In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister Volunteer Anne Maire Petticrew died 1 September 1973. There is always a face before us, a voice we would love to hear and a smile we will remember of one we loved so dear. Always loved and missed by her father John, brothers, sisters and family circle. Xoxo.

TREANOR, Tommy (6th Ann). Always remembered by his friends and comrades in the West London Support Group; From the West London Trade Union Club, Acton.

TWOMEY, Séamus (13th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Séamus Twomey, who died on 12 September 1989. Also his wife Rosie. RIP. Always in our prayers. From Patricia O'Brien and sons Gerard and Desmond.


CUSACK. Died Monaghan 9 September. A life well lived. From PJ Mulholland.

KILSELLA. With deepest sympathy to Sean, Pearl and Kevin Kinsella on the death of their mother Agnes. From the Tony Ahern SF Cumann, Clones and Connacht/Uladh Cúige.

MORAN. Deepest sympathy is extended to the Moran family on the death of Tom. From Cabra SF; From Nick Kehoe, Tony O'Flaherty, Mick Finnegan and Derek Sweetman.

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