Republican News ยท Thursday 12 September 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Loyalists plan London 'Day of Action'


In the week when even the RUC has been forced to concede that the overwhelming majority of sectarian attacks are carried out by loyalists, a group calling itself The British Ulster Alliance, based in England, has announced that it will be holding a 'Loyalist Day of Action' at 3pm outside Downing Street, London, on 5 October.

It says the protest will be to highlight the "plight of loyalist communities in Northern Ireland who are living under a state of siege and constant attack from the IRA. Since the Labour government refuse to protect these loyal British citizens, we feel it is our duty to highlight to the British public the appalling and unacceptable conditions under which they have to live."

The announcement, made on the group's website, 'Mainlander', goes on to give details of a recent visit by the BUA to various loyalist strongholds in Belfast and concludes that:

"1. Ulster is British and shall never be part of a United Ireland.

"2. The so-called Peace Process is totally anti-British and should be vigorously opposed.

"3. Loyalists should not surrender their weapons until their communities are safe from republican attacks."

Referring to loyalist paramilitaries, the site authors state that "these loyal British freedom fighters cannot be left to the mercy of those who conspire to betray them. If the present government continues to align itself with those who wish to bring about a united Ireland, it cannot be surprised when resistance comes its way. The British Ulster Alliance supports those who fight to remain British. If the British establishment betrays its own people, then the people are entitled to defend their communities from those who wish them harm."

On its message board, loyalist supporters have left the usual 'taigs out' messages. One, signed "5th Batt UFF Tullycarnet, East Belfast", says: "About time people on the mainland can see what its fellow British citizens are going through over here and not just lisiting (sic) to the usual Republican propaganda. Hope you get a chance to see East Belfast on your next visit, that's if theres (sic) a Short Strand left (Ha Ha). All the best on 5th October No Surrender."

One of Mainlander's link sites is based in White City - referred to as a "taig free zone". The home page invites visitors to vote in its online poll: "Should nationalists be allowed to live in BRITISH housing estates???" it asks. Voters can choose from the options: 'no', 'maybe', 'yes', or 'not a fucking chance'.

England-based supporters of the besieged residents of the Short Strand and other nationalist communities under attack are planning a counter-demonstration in London on 5 October. Organisers are urging other human rights and anti-fascist groups to show solidarity with the residents and join the counter-demonstration.

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