Republican News ยท Thursday 24 October 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Man recharged with death driver killing

A 20-year-old West Belfast man, Henry Marley, has been recharged with causing the death of Ballymurphy teenager Debbie McComb, who was killed by death drivers in March of this year.

The schoolgirl was on the Springfield Road when she was fatally struck by a stolen car. In the aftermath of her death, a massive anti-death driver campaign took off.

In the days after Debbie's death, Marley was arrested and charged with causing her death through dangerous driving, however the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) dropped the charge, saying there was insufficient evidence to proceed.

Marley then applied for bail but Judge Nicholson refused to release him and ordered the DPP to reconsider.

It then emerged that a new eyewitness had come forward and identified Marley, which led to him being recharged with causing Debbie's death.

He is due to appear in court again today, 24 October.

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