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Get off our streets
Special Branch assault on AgreementA series of raids and six arrests in Belfast and North Antrim on Tuesday was accompanied by briefings to enhance the agenda of rejectionist unionism.Adams urges support for Short StrandGerry Adams addressed a packed meeting in the Royal Dublin Hotel on Tuesday night.
Government urged to assist in return to dialogueSinn Féin Chairperson Mitchel McLaughlin has described recent shootings by thr Israeli Army in Jenin as an outrage.General claims he misled Widgery TribunalMajor General Patrick MacLellan, the commander of 8th Infantry Brigade on Bloody Sunday, admitted to the Saville inquiry on Monday that he had misled the Widgery Tribunal.Budget for an Ireland of EqualsSinn Féin Dáil has launched the party's most comprehensive pre-Budget submission ever.Castlerea Five case adjournedJudgement has been reserved in a judicial review hearing in the High Court sought by two of the republican prisoners known as the Castlerea Five.Lawyers, politicians and human rights activists join Colombia delegationCaitríona Ruane, announced on Wednesday the makeup of the delegation that will be going to Colombia to observe the trial of the three Irishmen currently detained in El Modelo.Ardee remembers brave VolunteersThe O'Carroll/Tierney Sinn Féin Cumann in Mid-Louth held a hugely successful commemoration last Sunday, 24 November.Sinn Féin councillor exposes council biasSinn Féin councillor Philip McGuigan has exposed the religious bias of Ballymoney council.Death drivers attack Sinn Féin officesDeath drivers attacked the Sinn Féin offices, causing severe damage to the frontage of the Green Cross Art Shop.Traitors, turkeys and tensionsFERN LANE was at the DUP's annual conference last weekend, where Ian Paisley was in full flow.Education, the expensive revolutionDebate and discussion about Sinn Féin's vision for education in Ireland took place on a wet, windy Saturday in Kilkenny.Planning for a New Ireland - a New FutureThe Forum for Peace and Reconciliation, reconvened by the Dublin government following the British government's suspension of the institutions, met in Dublin Castle on Wednesday, 27 November.ger over Irish language cutsSinn Féin spokesperson Gearóid Ó hEára has hit out at the decision by the Dublin Government to cut their funding of the North/South Irish language body Foras na Gaeilge.Families want answers, justice and acknowledgmentThis past weekend there was a public community inquiry into the shooting deaths of six young men at the hands of the British Army in February of 1973.Jordans still seeking justiceThe tenth anniversary of the death of IRA Volunteer Pearse Jordan was marked with a wreath laying ceremony at his grave in the republican plot in Milltown Cemetery on Monday 25 November.Policing proposals fall short of PattenThe British government's proposals for additional police reform legislation were announced on Monday.Failing those most in needThe figures on poverty in the North, and in particular child poverty, are as appalling as ever.Drunken thugs attack homes in WatersideSinn Féin councillor Lynn Fleming condemned a sectarian attack on Catholic homes and vehicles in Violet Street at the bottom of Chapel Road in Derry's Waterside.'Real' IRA must stand downThursday night saw a 'Real' IRA arson attack on popular nightspot Katy Daly's in Strabane.A Saturday listening to young peopleSeventy young people participated in the first Annual Conference of the Western Youth Forum.€8.5 billion taxes lost to exchequerTotal tax revenue for the 26 Counties could have been approaching €40 billion if it were not tax reliefs and allowances.Morgan at MadchesterLouth Sinn Féin deputy Arthur Morgan attended his first meeting of the British Irish Inter Parliamentary Body in Manchester this week.
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