Republican News · Thursday 14 November 2002

[An Phoblacht]



The families support campaign is organising a public event to provide information on the present position in Colombia and to outline the legal and human rights issues in relation to the detention and trial of the three Irishmen Niall Connolly, Martin McCauley and Jim Monaghan.

The campaign event will be held on Sunday 24 November at 8pm in the Liberty Hall Centre Dublin. Tickets for the event are €10 available at the door, from Connolly Books 43 Essex street Temple Bar and online from or at the bureau office on Eden Quay beside Liberty Hall Ph: 872 1122

A key objective of this event is to raise awareness of the current position in Colombia in political, social and economic terms. There will be speakers from a number of Colombian support groups and human rights activists. The speakers will include Liam Craig Best of the Colombian Peace Association, who has spent the last two years in Colombia providing human rights protection to the leader of the main trade union in Colombia, the CUT. Andy Higginbottom of the Colombian Solidarity Campaign will also speak. His organisation has been actively involved in supporting the trade union movement in Colombia and has recently developed links with trade union activists in Ireland. In addition, there will be a speaker on the legal and human rights situation in Colombia.

Dan Connolly and Cristin McCauley, who have visited the men a number of times, will speak for the three families on the conditions and treatment of the men and the effect on their families. Caitriona Ruane, spokesperson for the Bring Them Home Campaign, will speak on the trial process and the legal defence strategy.

Prominent musicians and writers will perform at the event. Well known writers, including Brian Keenan and Danny Morrison, will appear alongside a number of well known musicians, to be announced prior to the event.

This campaign event is aimed at community, trade union and human rights activists as well as members of political organisations and NGOs. Publications and information from Latin American support groups, trade union solidarity groups and human rights organisations will be available at the event.

All those who are concerned with the situation in Colombia and Latin America and who wish to support the families of the three men in their campaign to bring them home are invited to attend.


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