Harney's cuts break partnership agreement
"So what did the Progressive Democrats ever do for us?" was the theme of the latest PD party political broadcast. Well, now in their last days of office they have targeted the unemployed, as Mary Harney withdrew vital funding from the most weak and powerless section of society.
Harney, in her capacity as Enterprise Trade and Employment minister, has cut the number of Community Employment (CE) schemes by 4,000. Despite the coalition government committing itself to 28,000 places in the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness (PPF), there is now only funding for 24,000 places.
Voluntary and community groups across the 26 Counties have condemned the cuts. Criticising Harney's decision, Eric Conroy, Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed general secretary, said: "All of a sudden, An Tánaiste seems to have decided to cut 4,000 CE scheme places without consultation."
The CE cuts were the final straw for community groups, 26 of whom recently walked out of a plenary session of the PPF.
In January 2002, a survey conducted by Planet, the partnership network representing the 38 partnership organisations in the 26 Counties, found that 80% of CE schemes operated in their area are finding it difficult to find volunteers to do the work previously carried out by CE scheme workers, and communities are suffering as a result.
These schemes could be something as simple but priceless as running a childcare facility for mothers who want to return to work learn vital new skills.
Planet's community employment spokesperson John Butler said: "Cutting the number of CE places across the board means that highly successful schemes with high job progression rates into the open market will be adversely affected".
Thanks Mary. It is good to know just what the PDs have done and who they value in society. It must be time to plan another tax break for the rich with the CE funding money saved!