Republican News ยท Thursday 31 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

other Turkish death

Yet another political prisoner has died on the death fast protest against the Turkish government's introduction of high security f-Type prisons.

On Friday evening, 15 March, Dogan Tokmak died after being removed to Sisli State Hospital (Istanbul) for forcible medical intervention. Before being removed to Sisli, Tokmak had been subjected to the torture of forcible medical intervention for months in Izmit and Bayrampasa State Hospitals.

Instead of solving the Death Fast by abandoning isolation, the Turkish authorities are transferring prisoners whose condition worsens to hospitals, where they are subjected to the torture of forced medical intervention, forced feeding.

Lawyer Behic Asci said: "The authorities in the prisons don't have the necessary facilities for the forcible intervention which they carry out in the State Hospital under the name of treatment. So the Death Fast participants are being transported to Sisli Etfal, Haseki and Kartal State Hospitals."

Dogan Tokmak was buried on Sunday 17 March in Cebeci cemetery after a funeral seremony in Istanbul.

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