Republican News ยท Thursday 31 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Congratulations for Ballinderry

Martin McGuinness MP has congratulated the Ballinderry football team on its success in the all-Ireland Club Championships.

"It is a great honour that I, as MP for Mid-Ulster, can once again congratulate a club from the constituency on its achievements and its contribution to the sporting honour and pride of its community," he said. "With determination, pride and tremendous skill and ability, Ballinderry has done us all proud.

"I was attending Mass in Gaelic Park in Chicago at the time the match was being transmitted live to America. At the Chicago Patrick's Parade that followed, the excitement and exhilaration among supporters not just from County Derry but Tyrone and Fermanagh, Antrim, Down and Armagh, Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan, the whole of Ulster was ecstatic about your win.

"Coming from such a small club it was even more of an achievement and will give encouragement to all those other smaller clubs in their endeavours to climb to the top. I congratulate the players, management, support staff and supporters on their contributions to this outstanding achievement. I hope that everyone in the constituency from whatever background can share in the pride and honour that Ballinderry has brought to Mid-Ulster."

McGuinness also extended his congratulations to the Birr hurlers for their all-Ireland success.

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