Republican News ยท Thursday 14 March 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Catholic man flees UDA drug dealers

A 34-year-old Catholic man, Raymond Duffin, has fled his home in Holywood, County Down, fearful that he was the intended target of a UDA hit squad. He is now living with relatives in North Belfast.

Speaking to the media, Duffin said the UDA had issued a series of threats against him after he spoke out against the drug activities of that organisation.

Three years ago, Duffin had a gun put to his head because he spoke out about UDA drug dealing and just a month ago a man came to his door but Duffin refused to let him into his home when he refused to identify himself.

"When I looked out the keyhole I saw him pointing something that was in a plastic bag but which I'm convinced was a gun," he said.

When an AK 47 assault rifle and pistol were uncovered by the RUC/PSNI near his Whitecity home last month Duffin believed he was the intended target of a UDA killer gang so he fled.

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