Republican News ยท Thursday 14 March 2002

[An Phoblacht]

EU flexes muscles

A snapshot into the real inner workings of the EU was offered this week by Commission President Romano Prodi. This week, a summit of EU leaders is to discuss "liberalisation" of energy markets in the EU. I know - the Dublin government just forgot to tell us it was happening and that we could be helping the nuclear power industry across the EU. That's snapshot one.

Snapshot two was the pronouncement by President Prodi that even if the member states don't agree to take this step towards a single EU market for energy, he will use the powers given to him under previous treaties to impose liberalisation.

It doesn't end there. Prodi told the Financial Times that he wanted a European economic government alongside the euro. One wonders why the heads of state bother turning up at all for the summit.

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