Republican News ยท Thursday 7 March 2002

[An Phoblacht]

We'll demilitarise for you!

On Sunday last, 3 March, Fermanagh farmers and residents removed a number of concrete bollards from the roadway outside Roslea RUC/PSNI station. The bollards have been an ongoing source of annoyance and inconvenience for the population of the area as they go about their everyday business. There have been several accidents at these bollards. On days when there has been frost or snow they have left the road almost impassable because of their location on a steep hill. They have remained in place in spite of the building of an elaborate blast wall. There was no justification for them on security grounds. Locals said they were left in place since the wall was built purely to antagonise the population of the surrounding area.

A spokesperson for Farmers and Residents Against Military Bases said: "Our action was taken because it was clear that the police and army securocrats were not prepared to honour their commitment under the Good Friday Agreement. We also take this opportunity to call for the reinstatement of the Roslea- Monaghan road at the site of the former Annaghmartin Army checkpoint."

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