Republican News ยท Thursday 27 June 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Kinsale people's picnic

The Free the Old Head of Kinsale Campaign is organising another people's picnic in an effort to reclaim public access rights to this historic headland. Access for the general public to the Old Head has been threatened since the construction of the golf course. There have been several peaceful, popular, and effective "People's Picnics", which will continue throughout this year.

Organisers are calling on the people of Cork, Kinsale and surrounding areas to participate in the picnic protest this Sunday 30 June.

Free the Old Head Campaign Spokesperson Daisy Thomas said:

"The Old Head is a special place of beauty which belongs to us all. People power will free the Old Head of Kinsale. We hope to see a great turn out this Sunday."

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