Republican News ยท Thursday 27 June 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Irish director of European Anti Poverty Network

Fintan Farrell, from Oughterard, County Kildare, has been appointed Director of the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN), which links groups working against poverty throughout the European Union (EU). He succeeds French-born Marie Francoise Wilkinson, who has been Director for nine of the EAPN's eleven years.

The European Anti Poverty Network, based in Brussels, is made up of national networks representing several thousand non governmental organisations working against poverty in all 15 EU member states. Its membership also includes Europe-wide anti-poverty networks. The network aims to put the fight against poverty at the heart of the European Union agenda through policy development, lobbying and learning from each other.

Fintan Farrell was formerly Co-ordinator of the Irish Travellers Movement (1995 to 2001). In 2000, he was appointed as a Board member of the Combat Poverty Agency. He has been active in the EAPN and its Irish national network, EAPN Ireland, since their foundation in 1990.

"At a time when the EU is re-examining its direction, it is vital that the voice of people affected by poverty and inequality is listened to, through their organisations and the organisations who work with them," said Farrell. "With the potential enlargement of the EU from 15 to 28 member states, we must face up to new challenges and new opportunities. The central challenge in the applicant countries is to fight the deep and widespread poverty that is blighting their development. The challenge for all EU members, old and new, is to place basic rights, including social rights, at the heart of all policies and institutions."

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