1798 booklet launched
I climbed onto the bus from Bodenstown back to Dublin, wet, tired and still attempting to absorb what had gone before me. It wasn't Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin's speech that had me stunned, good and all as it was, but the Irish team's dramatic exit from the World Cup finals at the hands of Spain.
It was a strange feeling, as if I was in a daze. As if I wasn't really sure if I had been to Sallins at all, but I had a booklet commemorating Wolfe Tone and the 1798 Rising sticking out of my back pocket.
So I was there after all said I to myself.
The little booklet, produced by Ógra Shinn Féin, is a good reminder of why republicans from all over the country come to the Kildare cemetery year in, year out.
It tells the story of the women of 1798, so long ignored by other publications on the period. It tells of Henry Joy McCracken, of Father Murphy and of Edward Fitzgerald. And it told of our responsibilities as republicans to complete our revolutionary tasks.
I was glad to see that Ógra members had taken the initiative to stand out in the rain to sell their booklet and to remind us that there is always a younger generation willing to see out the vision of the United Irishmen. I was happy to buy their booklet. I hope you will be too.
Ógra Shinn Féin's Wolfe Tone booklet can be purchased for €3 at Sinn Féin shops throughout the country or by sending a cheque or Postal order made out to Republican Publications to ÓSF, 44 Cearnóg Pharnell, Baile Átha Cliath 1, Éire.
Short Strand booklet launched
Seán Ó Coinn has produced a booklet commemorating all those from the Short Strand who suffered and fought and died in 1972. The 16 people who lost their lives include eight IRA Volunteers in the spavce of three months along with four active supporters.
At a time when the Short Strand is again under loyalist attack, despite years of a peace proces, this booklet is a timely read.
Our Patriot Dead is available from all republican outlets.