Republican News ยท Thursday 31 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

McLaughlin welcomes broadband move

Foyle Assembly member Mitchel McLaughlin has welcomed last week's launch of ADSL Broadband in the Derry City Council area at Derry's Guildhall.

McLaughlin, who spearheaded the campaign for BT to extend the high-speed telecommunications system to the Derry area after it was not included when the rollout programme was announced, said:

"Today marks the success of our lobby and ensures that we do not become a technological backwater. The benefits of broadband are well documented and this launch further strengthens Derry's position as the regional capital of the Northwest.

"It also demonstrates clearly the benefits that can accrue when the people of the Derry area work together, and should serve as a model for the future promotion and development of the region."

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