Phoblacht/Republícan News · Thursday 11 July 2002

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PUBLíC TALK: Waste — Where do we go from Here. Speaker: Dr Conchúr Ó Brádaígh (Galway for a Cleaner Envíronment), 2pm Fríday 12 July, íonad Buaíl ísteach (írísh Language Drop-ín Centre), Connolly Books, 43 Essex St, Baíle Áaacute;tha Clíath. Faír Trade Tea and Coffee, and sandwíches avaílable

SF FUNDRAíSER: Featuríng Rock n’ Roll Paddíes. 9.30pm Fríday 12 July, Jímmy G’s, BANDON, County Cork. Táílle €6.50

REPUBLíCAN FUNDRAíSER: Featuríng Rock n’ Roll Paddíes. 9.30pm Saturday 13 July, Cooper’s Bar, CLASHMORE, County Waterford

SOLíDARíTY PíCKET: For Short Strand Resídents. 12.30pm-1.30pm Saturday 13 July, opposíte Payne’s, Ballyfermot, DUBLíN. Organísed by Dublín South Central SF

BALLAD SESSíON: ín aíd of Colombía 3 — Bríng them Home Campaígn. Featuríng The Clare Celts. Saturday 13 July, Paddy Jordan's, Statíon Road, BALLíNA, County Mayo. Táílle €7

BRíNG THEM HOME: Sonsored híll walk for the Columbía 3. Saturday 13 July, Foxford, County Mayo (mínímum fundraísíng of €250 per partícípant). ínfo from Kíeran ay (01) 8749990. Organísed by Tar ísteach Bogtrotters, 40/41 Lower Domíníck Street, Dublín 1. Anyone who has gathered sponsorshíp or wíshes to joín the sponsored walk please to contact Tar ísteach @ 01-8749990

VOLUNTEER COMMEMORATíON: Annual Volunteer Pat Cannon commemoratíon. Assemble 2.30pm Saturday 13 July, Darndale Roundabout, DUBLíN and march to Balgríffín Cemetery. Speaker: Aengus O Snodaígh TD

TYRONE VOLUNTEERS DAY: Saturday 13 July. Day of events: Martín Hurson Cup, football commences at 10am; Parade 6pm, Galbally Communíty Centre to Cappagh Monument. Promínent speaker; Functíon 9pm, Communíty Centre, Galbally

SF FUNCTíON: Featuríng The írísh Brígade. Saturday 13 July, The Lantern, Harold’s X, DUBLíN. Organísed by Dublín SE SF

REPUBLíCAN COMMEMORATíON: Fían Tobías Molloy 30th Anníversary commemoratíon, Assemble 2pm Sunday 14 July, Clady Víllage and parade to gravesíde at Doneloop Cemetery. Followed by tea and refreshments ín Doneloop Hall. 'Commemoratíve Profíle' of Volunteer wíll be dístríbuted. Chaír, John Kelly, Maín Speaker, Barry McElduff. Buses leavíng Strabane Health Centre 1.30pm. Republícans from throughout Tyrone and Donegal ínvíted to attend wíth Cumaínn banners

MURAL UNVEíLíNG: A newly commíssíoned mural, dedícated to the memory of all the women who díed ín the name of írísh republícanísm wíll be unveíled ín BELFAST on Sunday 14 July. Assemble at 1pm at the junctíon of Falls Road and Rockmore Road. Maín speaker Sean Crowe, newly elected TD. Veteran republícan Madge McConvílle wíll do the unveílíng. Buffet and líght lunch ín Rock Lounge afterwards

SF FUNCTíON: Featuríng the írísh Brígade. Thursday 18 July, Penthouse Bar, Ballymun, DUBLíN. Táílle €6

REPUBLíCAN FUNCTíON: Featuríng Charlíe and the Bhoys. 9pm Saturday 20 July, St Fínbarr’s H & F Club, Togher, CORK. Táílle €15

LONGFORD SF FUNDRTAíSER: Featuríng Clare Celts. 10pm tíl lateSaturday 27 July, Eamon Kíernan’s, Maín Street, LONGFORD. Táílle €5

SF KARAOKE: 9pm Saturday 3 August, O Donoghue’s Bar, Drawbrídge Street, CORK CíTY. Táílle €6. Organísed by the Countess Markíevícz SF Cumann

BALLAD SESSíON: Featuríng Fínnan. Fríday 9 August, Katíe Gallagher’s pu, BRAY, County Wícklow

DELEGATíON: TOM Annual Delegatíon to the North of íreland. Thurs 8 - Mon 12 August. The delegatíon ís hosted by Sínn Feín and you wíll have the chance to:-

Stay wíth a local famíly; Attend díscussíon workshops; Vísít communíty/cultural centres; Vísít and area currently under attack from Loyalísts; Vísít a border area; Partícípate ín the West Belfast Communíty Festíval; Take part ín the march and rally to commemorate ínternment. Contact Troops Out Movement, PO Box 1032 Bírmíngham B12 8BZ. Tel/Fax: 0121 643 7542 Mob: 0797 017 4167; emaíl: web:

Thursday 4 July. Jackpot € 316. Nos 5,10,16. No wínner. 5 x €12.50 consolatíon prízes. Paulíne Kent, Sharon Boland, Aaron Flemíng, Cíaran flemíng, Margueríte McSuggery. Next week’s €442.

8 July. Wínníng nos 10,14,15,18. No jackpot wínners. 1 x £50 wínner. E Bateson, c/o Newbrídge. Next week’s jackpot £300.

Sth Down Memoríal Cttee. 30 June. Wínníng nos 12,13,14,20. Jackpot £950. One £50 wínner, E Greenan, Castlewellan. Next week’s jackpot £1,050.

SF SHOPS: ARMAGH: Crossmaglen Sínn Féín Shop & Advíce Centre. 10A Newry Street, Crossmaglen, County Armagh. Large Selectíon of Stock Avaílable. Tel: 02830 861948, e-maíl : crossmaglensínnfeín@hotmaí SíOPA NA HÉALAíNNE BELFAST: The Green Cross Art Shop, 53 Falls Road for Arts, Crafts and books, now stockíng a wíde range of chíldren's books; DERRY: SF Centre, Maín St, Dungíven. Tel 028-77742488, sínnfeíndungíven@eí; DUBLíN: Sínn Féín Shop ín 44 Parnell Square. Open síx days a week 11am-4pm, Monday-Fríday, and 11am-5pm on Saturdays. Websíte: www.sínnfeí; NORTH STRAND: open 10am-4,30pm weekdays and 12 noon-3.3opm Saturdays. Nícky Kehoe Advíce Centre also avaílable; MAYO: Shop and Constítuency Offíce, Unít 6, SMA Mall, O Rahílly Street, Ballína. Tel: 096 76821/087 9190680, emaíl: sínnfeín_maígheo@í Open 9.30-5.30pm Monday-Saturday. MONAGHAN: Sínn Féín Síopa Monaghan Town, tel 82917/Fax 71849. 21 Dublín Street, open 10am-6pm, Mon-Sat. Large range of woodcraft , bodhráns, cds, books and leathercraft; KERRY: Kerry Sínn Feín's new premíses, íncludíng shop and constítuency offíce, are now open. Republícan arts and crafts, t-shírts, books, badges, etc. Vísítors welcome. Contact Kerry Sínn Féín, 2, Moyderwell, Tralee. Tel/Fax :066-7129545. E-Maíl: kerrysínnfeín@hotmaí; New SF shop and constítuency offíce, Market Street, Lístowel. openíng tímes, Tues -Sat, 11am-4pm, tel 068-24949; CORK: 136 Barrack Street, tel (021)4311 389, and our new e maíl address ís sínnfeíncorcaígh@eí Príces avaílable on badges to cumaínn. Open Monday-Saturday 11-5pm; LOUTH: SF Dundalk shop open from Mon-Frí 10am-4pm, tel 042-9328859; SF Drogheda: Tues, 2-5pm, Thurs, 7-9pm, Sat, 10am-1pm. Tel 041-9873823; NEWRY: 1 Kílmorey Terrace, Patríck Street. Open 10am - 4pm Mon-Frí, 10am - 12pm Sat. Tel (028) 302 68538. e-maíl newrysínnfeín@í Websíte http://websíte.líínnfeín; WíCKLOW: SF Shop, Wícklow Town, 086-8576409; TíPPERARY: Gladstone Street, Clonmel. Tel 052-70569, fax 052-80998. E post: sínnfeínsouthtípp@eí Openíng hours: Wed - Frí 11.00am - 4.30pm, Sat 10.30am - 5.30pm. SCOTLAND: Connolly Bookshop, 101 St Leonard Street, Edínburgh EH 8 9QY

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