Republican News ยท Thursday 11 July 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Fian Tobias Molloy


Republicans from throughout Tyrone and Donegal will gather in Clady and parade to Doneloop graveyard this Sunday, 14 July, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the killing of Fian Tobias Molloy by a plastic bullet at the hands of the British Army at the Camel's Hump on 16 July 1972.

Tobias, who was returning from Lifford after leaving his girlfriend home, was struck just above the heart by the rubber bullet as he made his way past the British Army checkpoint.

As Tobias' remains were being brought over the border from Lifford hospital, accompanied by hundreds of mourners, the cortege was attacked as it passed the Camel's Hump. Mourners were batoned to the ground and rubber bullets were once again fired by the British Army and their allies in the UDR. Even though the hearse was hit several times, the cortege was eventually able to struggle through and the crowd swelled as the escorted remains reached Strabane and Tobias was escorted back to his native Head of the Town.

The funeral, which was attended by thousands of people as it made its way to Doneyloop, was once again subject to harassment, this time at the hands of a large force of Garda and 26-County soldiers. However, they could not thwart the will of mourners to give a loving son, brother, neighbour, friend and comrade a dignified and fitting burial.

Sunday's commemoration will assemble at 2pm in Clady Village and parade to the Volunteer's graveside at Doneloop Cemetery. John Kelly of Strabane National Graves will chair proceedings and Tyrone Assembly member Barry McElduff will deliver the oration. Tea and refreshments in Doneloop Hall will follow. A 'Commemorative Profile' of Tobias will be distributed.

Buses for the commemoration will leave Strabane Health Centre at 1.30pm and republicans from Tyrone, Donegal and further afield are invited to attend with cumainn banners.

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