Republican News ยท Thursday 4 July 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Parades Commission blamed for trouble

Frances McAuley, spokesperson for the Springfield Residents Action Group, has blamed the Parades Commission for the trouble that erupted on the Springfield Road on Saturday 29 June.

"The decision of the Parades Commission to allow the controversial Whiterock Orange march onto the Springfield Road on Saturday 29 June with no restrictions was a reward for the Orangemen's hardline attitude," she said. "With all the recent events around interfaces in Belfast, this decision was sheer madness. People were angry and when the RUC/PSNI refused to withdraw from the area this anger spilled over."

During the parade to 2,000 Orangemen, accompanied by 15 bands, emerged through the 'peace line' gate at Workman Avenue at about 3.15pm on their way to Whiterock Orange Hall. Among those taking part were the Grand Master of Ireland, Robert Saulters, and the Democratic Unionist MP for North Belfast, Nigel Dodds.

The area had been tense in the run up to the parade as nationalist residents were hemmed in behind RUC/PSNI and British Army lines. Their movements were restricted while the sole restriction placed on the Orange Order was that no music was to be played between the junction of Ainsworth Avenue and the Springfield Road.

After the parade, the RUC/PSNI refused to withraw from the area, fueling local anger, and residents who were prevented from returning to their homes were taunted by RUC/PSNI members with dogs.

Rioting erupted after those stewarding the situation on the nationalist side withdrew. The RUC/PSNI, who were in the area in force and who had two water cannon as well as dog squads on standby, moved in and attacked local people indiscriminately.

Denying nationalists had started the trouble, Frances McAuley told An Phoblacht: "The RUC/PSNI did not pull out of the area even though we had asked them to do so. They just antagonised residents. After using the water cannons for ten minutes against local people the RUC/PSNI then issued a warning that they were going to use them. It was disgraceful. As always happens, nationalist residents were hemmed into their homes like prisoners; it was yet another year of oppression for residents in this area".

Phoblacht has been told that later on that evening the RUC/PSNI again attacked local people. One young man needed hospital treatment. We have been told that the RUC/PSNI members involved in this attack were under the influence of alcohol.

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