Republican News ยท Thursday 4 July 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Bullock shines in killer thriller

Murder By Numbers
Cert 15
Starring Sandra Bullock, Ben Chaplin, Ryan Gosling, Michael Pitt

Is it possible to commit the perfect murder? This question has intrigued criminals, moralists and particularly film-makers for many years. It's the central theme of Murder By Numbers, and despite dubious casting, the film manages to generate enough tension and suspense to keep the viewer engaged.

The plot revolves around two bored, rich, intelligent students who, after reading up on forensic science and real-life case reports, believe that they can commit the perfect crime and outwit the system.

Richard (Gosling) is charm personified, outgoing and popular, while Justin (Pitt) is the school loner, in possession of an enormous intellect. At the outset, they make a pact and plan the murder, planting evidence to lead the police to another suspect.

What they don't plan for is Cassie Mayweather (Bullock) being assigned to the case. Cassie has a secret in her past that makes her immune to Richard's charms and she's quick to realise that there's something about the planted evidence and the two boys that doesn't add up.

The films downfall is in the characters. Richard comes across as more obnoxious and arrogant than charming. Bullock's sidekick Sam, (Chaplin), is underdeveloped as a love interest and as a character in general.

Justin is convincing as the school nerd, but not as a genius, as it is he who seems to make a lot of mistakes in committing the perfect crime.

However, Bullock excels in a role that extends beyond the girl next door staple. This role signifies her maturing as an actress and her entry into a higher acting league.

Despite its faults, Murder By Numbers is an intelligent and stylish thriller. Although we know who commits the murder from the start, it plays like a Columbo episode, with enough curiosity on the detective's side to keep its audience interested. A few twists should the viewer satisfied overall.


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