Republican News · Thursday 31 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

McGuinness visits Ballymun and Finglas


Finglas residents received a surprise on Thursday 24 Jnauary when Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness paid a visit to the area.

The North's Education minister called into the new Tesco superstore and met with staff, locals and management. From Finglas he then went onto visit the new Axis centre in Ballymun accompanied by local Sinn Féin Councillor Dessie Ellis and was treated to a set of Irish dancing by some of the local children.

Speaking to An Phoblacht, McGuinness also shared his views on the up-coming general election in May. "I think things are looking very positive and Sinn Féin has a great chance of increasing seats in the election," he said. "You have an excellent candidate here in Dessie Ellis, who is doing tremendous work in the area." When asked what it is he enjoys most about his job, he said: "I love going to the schools and meeting all of the children."

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