Racism must be confronted
Cllr Nicky Kehoe of Dublin Central Sinn Féin has offered his deepest sympathy to members of the Chinese community in Ireland and relatives of Zhao Liu Tao, who died following what Gardaí are describing as a racially motivated attack. Councillor Kehoe said the death was "a tragic waste of life" illustrating what appalling consequences racism can have.
"It is awful to think that in this day and age a young man can be attacked in our capital solely because of his ethnic origin," said Kehoe. "Unfortunately, attacks like that which led to the death of Zhao Liu Tao are all too common. It is incumbent on all right thinking people to voice their abhorrence at these attacks.
"We in Ireland must face up to the fact that there is a racist minority in our country. Their racist views have often been fostered by sensationalist media reports. These people must be confronted. The vast majority of all Irish people reject racism in all its forms and I hope that is of some consolation to Mr Zhao Liu Tao's family and friends."