
[An Phoblacht]


Sinn Féin sets the pace
Poll results will spur activists and scare opponents

Sinn Féin workers, activists, party members and voters throughout the island can this week take heart. The MRBI/Irish Times opinion poll results will have been an encouraging sign for Sinn Féin activists across the island. Sinn Féin was the only party that showed a growth in voter support. more

Loyalist violence in rural areas

Outside of Belfast, there has been and continues to be an active loyalist campaign of violence against nationalists and republicans in many country areas, writes LAURA FRIEL.

Derry wants apology from English monarch

A Sinn Féin motion to Derry City Council calling on the British Queen to apologise to the people of Derry for pinning medals on those responsible for the murders on Bloody Sunday was passed.

Crown forces must appear at inquests

Crown forces personnel involved in fatal shooting incidents in the Six Counties will be compelled to give evidence at inquests, it emerged this week.

Coleraine students reject PSNI

Coleraine students' union leader Colum Delaney is facing criticism for his decision to ignore a mandate from students rejecting cooperation with the PSNI/RUC.

No forensics against Colombia Three

A respected British forensics expert has concluded that there is no forensic evidence that any of the three Irishmen currently being held in Colombia had any contact with explosives.

Doherty backs independent Omagh inquiry

Sinn Féin's Pat Doherty warned RUC/PSNI Chief Ronnie Flanagan would ignore the recommendations of the Police Ombudsman on the Special Branch in her Omagh report.

Elections should be held at weekend

Sinn Féin Councillor and candidate for Dublin South West, Seán Crowe, has said a weekend poll would ensure that the greatest number possible will be given an opportunity to vote.

Government must implement Nice decision

The keynote speaker at the public meeting of the National Forum on Europe held in Monaghan town on 25 January was Sinn Féin TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin.

Israel's second-class citizens

JAMIL DAKWAR is a lawyer working for the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel. On a recent visit to Ireland, he spoke to An Phoblacht's SOLEDAD GALIANA.

Racism must be confronted

Cllr Nicky Kehoe of Dublin Central Sinn Féin has offered his deepest sympathy to relatives of race-murder victim Zhao Liu Tao.

The Maidstone escape: Swimming to freedom

On 17 January 1972, seven republican prisoners detained on the Maidstone ship took their lives in their hands and swam to freedom. JIM GIBNEY spoke to one of those who took part.

Masts, health & government misbehaviour

A law is going before Environment minister Noel Dempsey that would allow the mobile phone companies to put up microwave masts anywhere they want, writes UALTAR Ó GRÉACHÁIN.

Criminal neglect of mentally ill

ROISIN DE ROSA looks at how the 26-County state routinely fails vulnerable people suffering mental illness.

New Lodge massacre to be remembered

A commemoration to remember The New Lodge Six will be held next Monday, 4 February - the 29th anniversary of their deaths.

Negative campaigning by Fine Gael

Sinn Féin Waterford has accused Fine Gael's John Deasy of negative campaigning by using the detention of three Irishmen in Colombia as a stick with which to beat Sinn Féin.

Embassy Sellafield picket

Several hundred protestors joined a picket at the British Embassy in Dublin last Wednesday, 23 January, to demand "the complete and verifiable decommissioning" of the nuclear plant at Sellafield.

MacManus slams Sligo refuse privatisation

Sinn Féin Alderman Sean MacManus has described a decision to privatise Sligo Corporation's domestic refuse collection as "the most cynical and the single worst decision taken by this Council".

Children feature in St Pat's Day Parade

The theme of this year's St Patrick's Day parade in Belfast is Páistí an Domhain/Children of the World.

Boycott Turkish holidays call

Picketers leafleted the Holiday World Experience travel fair calling for a boycott on travel to Turkey in protest at human rights abuses in that country.

No welcome for British warship

Dublin Ógra Shinn Féin protesters provided a British naval frigate with a warm welcome to the capital city last weekend.

McGuinness visits Ballymun and Finglas

Finglas residents received a surprise on Thursday 24 Jnauary when Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness paid a visit to the area.

MacLochlainn to replace Nelis in Derry

Derry Sinn Féin Council leader Gerry Ó hEara has welcomed the announcement by Derry Comhairle Cheantair that Gerry MacLochlainn will be replacing Mary Nelis on Derry City Council.

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Campbell's Bloody Sunday bigotry

Bloody Sunday

World View
Maskey in Basque Country for new peace proposals

Stailc Ocrais san Astráil

Remembering the Past
John Hume meets the IRA

Back Issue
A cloak of decency

Dramatising Bloody Sunday

Duirt Siad

