Sinn Féin compass points to victory
The conservative vitriol that ensued as four Sinn Féin MPs
availed of their new office facilities at Westminster this week
was very much out of sync with the political realities on the
ground in the Six Counties, and wrongly suggested that Sinn
Féin's trajectory is now across the Irish Sea.
Quentin Davies, the self-styled 'shadow Northern Ireland
secretary' and Tory Party MP, led the charge against the move on
BBC Radio 4's Today programme, complaining that Tony Blair was
"deliberately contributing to a great propaganda coup in which
the Government are licking [Sinn Féin's] boots".
While Blair responded by saying that his decision was a boost to
the peace process, it is evident that for Davies, and many of his
Tory colleagues, Ireland is a place that should remain loyally
subordinate or meekly disenfranchised.
While this myopic British hullabaloo continued, very little was
said about revelations that a crucial logbook from Omagh RUC
barracks, it was revealed this week, had been declared 'missing'
just as Nuala O'Loan, the Policing Ombudsman, had begun work on
her report into the Omagh bombing. Less was said about the UDA's
campaign against schoolchildren, teachers and postal workers.
There wasn't a word of well-deserved praise for the Irish
Congress of Trade Unions' rally in Belfast last Friday, calling
for an end to UDA threats against its members.
David Trimble had his own disingenuous spin on the course of
events. This was the penultimate step on a course that would lead
Sinn Féin to take up seats in the British House of Commons, he
proclaimed, an analysis seized upon by many a anti-republican
political observers.
Of course, it suited David Trimble and his apologists to peddle
this myth as the four Sinn Féin MPs enjoyed widespread media
coverage, but Gerry Adams made the republican position clear
questioned by reporters:
"There are a lot of things which there can be no certainty of and
there are some things of which we can be certain. There will
never, ever be Sinn Féin MPs sitting in the British House of
"What is at issue here is sovereignty," he said. "Our position is
that the British parliament has no right in Ireland."
Sinn Féin's recent success in building its electoral strength in
Ireland and also in transferring political power to Irish
institutions is, he added, a measure of where the party sees its
political centre of gravity.
A new Sinn Féin discussion document, which was the main subject
of debate at the party's Árd Comhairle meeting on Saturday last,
reflected this analysis.
Entitled 'A Road Map to the Republic', the document speaks for
itself about the trajectory of Sinn Féin and sets about creating
an internal process of debate to the party's strategy to achieve
its core aim of a United Ireand.
Doubts about current Sinn Féin strategy have become more vocal in
recent times within the party, due to the failure of the British
to implement promises on policing and demilitarisation and its
inadequate response to loyalist violence, the document states.
Such doubts have created a dynamic for the production of an
"all-encompassing strategy for what we presently require". While
republicans may normally, even traditionally, avoid creating
'blueprints' for political strategy, says the document, this is
the time to do so.
"The contention of this paper is that whether we call it a road
map or attach some other label to the concept, the struggle needs
to set itself on a trajectory for victory which is tangible and
clearly understood by our base."
While a United Ireland is not "imminent" says the document, it is
attainable in the forseeable future.
The document says "it is up to us as Irish Republicans to begin
now to effectively engage with unionists and to attempt to
persuade them and public opinion in Britain of the democratic and
economic benefits of Irish independence and unity." At least ten
per cent of the unionist community, the document speculates, is
open to this kind of persuasion.
While criticising SDLP pseudo-academic jargon about
"post-nationalism" and its over-zealous empathy with unionist
"alienation", and also the "vacillation and dangerous
inconsistency" of British government policy, the document also
sets the agenda for a closer and timely scrutiny of Irish
republicanism from within - its ideals, tactics and the general
wheres, whens and hows that have up until now been left, largely,
to chance.
Republicans must look north, south, east and west, but we must
also delve within. Creating a clear, cohesive blueprint for
political change, complete with specific aims and objectives is
the main task that faces republicans today.