Republican News · Thursday 24 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Ireland Palestine Solidarity Group launched in Belfast

Spurred by the organisation of the Dublin branch of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Group in Dublin last December, a number of people have now set up a Belfast-based branch. Both groups have tried to organise support, get structure on the organisation and establish a methodology for the work.

On Thursday last, a meeting was held in St Mary's University College, Belfast, chaired by Féilim O hAdhmaill, to raise awareness, to educate people about the Palestinian situation, to discuss the possibilities for progress and gain suggestions on what to do next.

Ismael Al-Hinti, a member of the Palestinian community in Belfast, spoke first. His presentation was used to educate people in the history of the conflict between Israel and Palestine since 1916.

Al-Hinti then spoke about Zionism, which he said was about Jewish superiority. "Israel is an apartheid state," he said. "Palestinians in Palestine don't have rights but Israelis in Palestine do."

He said that Israel is "an outlaw state" because of its failure to implement 69 UN Resolutions for Human Rights. He pointed out that although the United States of America is supposed to be impartial in the peace process between Israel and Palestine, they have helped delay the implementation of those Resolutions. The United States of America pays Israel $5 billion every year.

The next speaker was Darren Irvine of the International Palestinian Youth League, working on children's rights issues in Hebron. He worked with children in Palestinian schools in the Palestinan town. When he returns, he will work with children in Israeli schools.

Darren explained that Hebron is in the West Bank, which is 20 miles from Jerusalem. Hebron is a conservative town. It is divided into two parts, H1 and H2. Palestinian people control H1. Israeli people control H2. There are 400 settlers in H2 and 30,000 Palestinians. The Palestinians must obey a curfew and live by Israeli rules.

Dr Saeb Shaath, another Palestinian living in Belfast, said he believed the Palestinian people will be liberated.

"A lot of people don't care about the media portrayal of the conflict because people who are not truthful manage it," he said. He finished by saying that Palestinians would raise their flag over Jerusalem.

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