Hoax bomb attack on Maskey home
A device found outside the Andersonstown home of Sinn Féin assembly member Alex Maskey was described as an elaborate hoax.
The 8-inch long metal device was spotted by Maskey's son lying in the garden of the Maskey home at about lunch time on Tuesday 22 January.
It is not known when the device was left at the Sinn Féin representative's home.
Speaking to An Phoblacht outside the Maskey home, Sinn Féin councillor Gerard O'Neill said the device may have been thrown at the house but hit a tree in the garden and fell to the ground.
Although the device turned out to be an elaborate hoax, Maskey said he was taking the threat seriously, adding that in recent weeks the RUC/PSNI had warned a number of Sinn Féin activists that a loyalist attack was imminent.