Dúirt Siad
They refuse to swear the oath of allegiance to the Queen, regard Westminster with contempt, and will not take their seats.
Daily Mail editorial, 22 January, on Sinn Féin MPs arriving at their Westminster offices
True to form, within hours of moving into one of the best rooms in the Commons, Adams erected an Irish Tricolour near his desk and pinned a copy of the declaration of independence issued during the 1916 Easter Rising on the wall.
Daily Mail editorial
The republicans have made it clear that they have no intention of acknowledging what they call "a foreign parliament". They will refuse, as they have done since 1918, to take up their seats.
Daily Telegraph editorial, 22 January
Everybody likes to give the finger to the Brits now and again. We should be giving the finger to the Brits, look what they did to us.
Michael McTigue, a member of Fianna Fáil's National Executive for ten years, RTE Joe Duffy's show, Wednesday 16 January
The photos released this week of kneeling, shackled prisoners deprived of the use of their senses showed, quite simply, a fundamental violation of human rights. This sensory deprivation technique is similar to that used by British security forces in Northern Ireland in the 1970s.
Sean Love, on the Taliban prisoners detained in Guantanamo Base, Cuba, The Irish Times, Wednesday 23 January
I don't blame the workers for going out on strike. I blame the government for forcing them to take action.
Noreen Lynch, mother of 25 year old Brendan, who suffers from cerebral palsy, talking about the carer's dispute, Irish Examiner, Tuesday 22 January
Think twice if you see Michael Noonan's Eircom money-back guarantee, as anything more than a three-card trick. Because the only place he's going to get the money from for the tax credits is from the taxpayers... When it comes to buying votes, it's always the taxpayer who foots the bill.
Editorial, The Star, Tuesday 22 January