Republican News · Thursday 24 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Fahey must listen to fishermen

"Minister Frank Fahey is making a habit of ignoring the concerns of communities in Erris and he is adding the driftnet fishermen of the area to the growing list," says Sinn Féin Mayo election candidate, Vincent Wood. He was reacting to Minister Fahey's proposals to curtail the catching of wild salmon off the west coast. The minister has ruled out compensating driftnet fishermen for the loss of their traditional livelihood.

"The fishermen themselves know well that there is a problem with stocks of wild salmon, but they should not be scapegoated by the minister. There must be a way of taking the opinions of these fishermen and the wider community into account when making these serious decisions that effect their livelihoods and community life.

"I and my colleagues in Sinn Féin have been following these developments very closely. I listened to arguments from fishermen from the length of the west coast at a rally in Galway last year. My colleague in Galway, Seán Ó Coistealbha, addressed that meeting and pledged Sinn Féin's support for the rights of small communities in the maintenance of traditional methods of fishing.

"The minister has caused consternation within these communities and he should go back to them to work out a sensible and non-confrontational approach to address the issues affecting them and the sustainable maintenance of wild salmon stocks."

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