Republican News ยท Thursday 17 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

MPs call for government action to end school attacks

A parliamentary Early Day Motion, expressing "extreme concern" at the situation in north Belfast, tabled by Labour MPs Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell, has won cross-party signatories, including former Conservative Shadow Secretary of State, Andrew Mackay. The motion, EDM 639, tabled on 10 January, states:

"That this House notes with extreme concern the violence which has erupted in north Belfast; condemns the attacks on the Holy Cross School and Our Lady of Mercy School; believes that the situation which resulted in the closure of Holy Cross School on 9 January for security reasons is intolerable and that there is no justification for attacks on schoolchildren; and further believes that the government and all political parties with influence in the situation should do everything in their power to bring these attacks to an end, to allow the school to be re-opened, to ensure the children are able to attend it in safety and to encourage dialogue as the only way forward to resolve grievances within the communities."

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