Republican News ยท Thursday 17 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Incinerators are not the answer

Professor Connett, Chemistry Professor at St. Lawrence University in New York, spoke at a meeting in Dublin last Friday.

Connett is known around the world as a campaigner fighting to protect our environment and its scarce resources from the ravages of multinational corporations, particularely against incinerators which waste our globe's resources and emit carcinogens.

Speaking in Galway on Monday Professor Connett said "The people of this city have achieved a 56% diversion rate from landfill in only eight months, a phenomenal achievement for which the Council must be congratulated."

He went on to describe the recent Forfas report "Key Waste Management Issues in Ireland" as "a piece of propaganda that would make Josef Goebbels blush.

"The Report is nothing more than an attempt by Government, at great expense to the taxpayer, to impose incinerators, which are cancer factories, on the Irish people, against their will."

Professor Connett will address a meeting in Dublin this Friday, 18 January, in the Clann na Gael GAA Hall in Sean Moore Road, Ringsend, at 7.30pm.

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