Republican News ยท Thursday 10 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Bomber was in UDA

A loyalist killed when the bomb he was handling exploded was a member of the UDA. Loyalist spokesperson John White confirmed to the media that 19-year-old William Campbell, who died last Thursday, 3 January, was in the UDA.

Campbell was killed instantly in an alley way at Winston Way in the Heights area of Coleraine after a bomb he was carrying went off. The device was of the pipe bomb type commonly used by the UDA, although in this case the bomb was fitted with an electronic timer.

The development of such a sophisticated detonating mechanism indicates that the loyalist terror gang is intent on intensifying its bombing campaign.

In the past number of years the Coleraine area, which is at the heart of the UDA's Derry and North Antrim Brigade, has seen numerous attacks on Catholics and their homes.

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