Republican News · Thursday 10 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Fergal Caraher commemoration

The 11th anniversary of the British Army's killing of Fergal Caraher fell on Sunday, 30 December last. There was a huge attendance in the South Armagh village of Cullyhanna for the annual candlelit procession in memory of that horrific day, when Fergal was shot dead and his brother Mícheál seriously wounded, despite bad weather.

To mark Fergal's memory and the memories of those killed as a result of the British presence in Ireland, the Cullyhanna Justice Group arranged for the Remembering Quilt to be brought to Cullyhanna and shown publicly in the Ó Fiaich Centre, to illustrate and remind everyone of the number of people who have lost their lives as a result of the British presence in our country. The quilt consists of over 250 squares, each one dedicated to a loved one whose life was lost and created by the families of the victims.

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