Republican News · Thursday 10 January 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Volunteer Danny O'Neill remembered

Rab Duffy presents a commemorative plaque to Seamy Collins, friend and comrade of IRA Volunteer Danny O'Neill, at a function to mark the 30th anniversary of O'Neill's death. O'Neill was fatally wounded when British soldiers fired on a car in which he was travelling on 4 January 1972 and died three days later in the RVH on 7 January. The function was held in the Sean MacDiarmada GAC on 6 January. "These were watershed events that led to a lot of reflection and soul searching", said Sean Murray, the main speaker and friend of Danny O'Neill. "Young people like Danny saw the loyalist and RUC attacks on our district and saw they had no choice but to join the IRA to defend their community".

Born in 1951, O'Neill was just 19 when he died. He had engaged the British Army on numerous occasions, inflicting casualties during a number of operations. His death was a sad and severe loss to his comrades in Óglaigh na hÉireann but especially to those in 'C' Company.

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