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Vote NoWith less than a week to polling, the electorate is as confused as ever about the government's referendum. The fault lies with those who drafted this unwieldy proposal and the politicians who rushed it all through without proper time for debate. moreBritish neo-Nazis in North BelfastA group of visiting British fascists were part of a loyalist mob involved in attacks on Catholic homes in North Belfast last week.Build our All-Ireland StrategyA working conference was held recently to examine ways forward to achieve a united Ireland.British Army plastic bullet use targetedThree groups have united in a call on the Policing Board, which is ultimately accountable for all plastic bullets fired by the RUC/PSNI.Increased patrols and harassmentThere have been received numerous complaints about the increased level of British Army and PSNI activity in the South Armagh area.Former prisoner refused compensationFormer republican prisoner Nick Mullen has been refused compensation in the High Court in London for the ten years he spent in custody.Special Branch - still a `force within a force'A Sinn Féin poster campaign is the latest step in a vigorous public campaign to achieve an acceptable policing service.Pontius Pilate TaylorFormer Ulster Unionist MP John Taylor, now Lord Kilclooney, is expected to attempt to distance himself from any involvement in Bloody Sunday.Independent's propaganda warPolls and propaganda - it's just another week in the life of Independent News and Media, writes ROBBIE MacGABHANN.McDowell accusedComments made by 26-County Attorney General Michael McDowell have beenn stronglyg criticised by campaigners on behalf of the three Irishmen currently facing charges in Colombia.Adams challenges HarneyA robust U-turn by Mary Harney on ceding economic power to the European Union was only part of a busy week on the EU in Ireland.Ó Caoláin demands more housingLocal authority housing has become the 'Cinderella' of the system, according to Cavan/Monaghan's Sinn Féin TD.Dubliners reject incineratorAlmost 60 citizens braved stormy weather conditions to attend a public meeting on an incinerator project in Ringsend on Thursday last.Adams addresses studentsSinn Féin President Gerry Adams MP spent a hectic round of meetings at Dublin's three universities, DCU, UCD and Trinity, on Tuesday.Morgan highlights Dundalk maternity crisisThe ordeal of a young mother highlights the ongoing difficulties as a result of the closure of the Maternity Unit at Louth County Hospitalk.McCole blasts ideological vacuumSinn Féin candidate Frances McCole launched her general election campaign in Dublin North-Central last week.PDs cosy up to war criminalThe leader of the PDs has been accused of "giving succour to one of the greatest mass murderers of the late 20th century".Immigration Control Platform must be challengedThere has been a call for candidates not to play politics with the race issue in the run up to the Dublin South Central election.Landlords should accept rent allowanceCarrickmacross Sinn Féin Councillor Matt Carthy has called on all landlords to accept rent allowances granted to those on low incomes and on social welfare.Shame of sub-standard school buildingsThe state of many school buildings was described as "a shame and a disgrace" in the Dáil last week.West Belfast shows solidarity with PalestineSinn Féin President Gerry Adams has called for a new international initiative on the Middle East.Mexico's Rosemary NelsonOn 19 October 2001, Mexican human rights lawyer Digna Ochoa was murdered in a case that bears striking similarities to that of Rosemary Nelson.McLaughlin in AustraliaA Sinn Féin delegation is on a ten-day tour of the major Australian cities.Maskey rubbishes Durkan's policing stanceSinn Féin's Alex Maskey has rubbished comments made by Mark Durkan during a speech delivered in Oxford on Tuesday.New premises for Tar AnallThe longest running republican ex-prisoner support group, Tar Anall, opened its new custom built premises on Tuesday 26 February.Draíocht Children's Festival 4-16 MarchDraíocht Children's Festival kicks of on Monday with a fortnight of arts activities, bringing colour and creation to West Belfast.Adams opens Drogheda officeSinn Féin members in Louth, and in particular of the Bobby Sands cumann in Drogheda, have welcomed Gerry Adams to the town.
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