The Final Phase - Creating an Ireland of Equals
Sinn Féin Chairperson Mitchel Mc Laughlin gave the annual
Volunteers Coen and MacManus Memorial Lecture in Sligo on Sunday
last. The following is an edited version of his speech.
"We are at an unparalleled time of enormous challenge and opportunity in our history. Republicans have a long history of struggle and are experienced, creative, imaginative and ready for the challenge of change. Within the next few months we will be presented with an opportunity to enhance that process of change and to move the struggle forward in this, the final phase, and I am sure that republicans will be up to that challenge.
"Certainly, Seán MacManus is up to that challenge. He is an outstanding candidate, who has dedicated his remarkable energy and leadership qualities to the benefit of Sinn Féin and the community in the constituency of Sligo/Leitrim. Sean McManus has enormous experience; developed over many years of activism and as a hard working elected representative. Clearly, he is a suitable candidate and he will do this constituency proud as your TD.
"You, the people in this room, and our support base in the constituency will do Seán proud by reaching out into the wider community and bringing out the necessary support from the electorate of Sligo/ Leitrim for a famous victory. We are ready. The people are ready and here in this constituency they have a tried and trusted champion in Sean MacManus.
"After these elections Sinn Féin's success will be the story of the 2002 General Election. We will make our presence felt in Leinster House and we will put the reunification of our country to centre stage at every opportunity. Any party that expects our support to sustain it in government will have to get used to not just paying lip service at election time to reunification. It will have to demonstrate its commitment to working in practical terms to achieve it.
"Furthermore, in the aftermath of those elections, Sinn Féin TDs will use their electoral muscle to influence the Programme for Government of the incoming administration, whoever they may be. In determining the most appropriate social system for the public welfare, the task is to decide on the mix of economic and social structures and policies that can be best serve the greatest good of the greatest number. We, in Sinn Féin, unapologetically come from the Left. That means being ready to implement those measures and put in place those arrangements essential for eliminating injustice and creating equality.
"The constitutional question remains the one major issue for debate. Change is ongoing and if we are not to be caught napping and allow events to overtake our preparation then we must initiate that debate now. Sinn Féin is confident of the strength of our argument and analysis. Are the other parties confident of theirs? If so then they have nothing to fear from open and honest debate. So let the debate begin without further delay."