Ó Caolain supports right of peaceful protest over phone masts
Commenting on the ongoing campaigns against the imposition of mobile phone masts at Lough-an-Lea and elsewhere, Cavan/Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin said:
"I support the legitimate right of communities to protest peacefully against mobile phone masts where they are concerned at their imposition and at their health implications. There are real health concerns about these masts being in close proximity to residences and schools and the possible effects of microwave radiation.
"The whole issue has been worsened greatly by the decision of the Minister for the Environment and Local Government to abolish normal planning procedures for mobile phone infrastructure - taking away the right of communities and their elected representatives to object to these structures. The government has dispensed with democratic accountability, a move I vigorously opposed in the Dáil and at the Oireachtas Environment and Local Government Committee.
"I would be concerned at any alleged incidents of intimidation and at malicious damage. I cannot condone such activity. I regard as scurrilous the suggestion in the Irish Independent of 12 February that republicans have been involved in such incidents. This is typical of that paper's editorial bias.
"I reject any attempt to use such incidents to discredit legitimate local campaigns against masts. I know personally a number of those involved in protest at Kingscourt and at Lough-an-Lea and can attest that they are decent, honourable people. I uphold the right of all members of the community, including republicans, to involve themselves in these campaigns and to participate in the democratic pursuit of this issue."