Republican News ยท Thursday 14 February 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Maghera bomb claim by UDA's new flag of convenience

Commenting on the claim that it planted a bomb in Maghera by a group calling itself the 'South Londonderry Volunteers', Mid-Ulster MP Martin McGuinness said on Wednesday:

"I wondered how long it would take the UDA to come up with another flag of convenience. It is obvious that this group is no different than that which has been targeting the South Derry community for the past number of years. It comes as no surprise that that the UDA following the announcement that it was standing down the fictitious 'Red Hand Defenders' would waste no time in coming up with a new fictitious group.

"No one should be under any illusions that the UDA is still operating in South Derry and other areas of the North whatever it decides to call itself.

I reiterate previous warnings to the community to be extra vigilant and do not under any circumstances approach any suspicious objects."

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